PRactice Policies.
When booking a massage you are agreeing to abide by the policies enacted by this business. These policies were created to establish understanding of the expectations for those who seek to receive a service from this business.
Clients who do not provide 24 hour notice prior to cancelling their appointment are responsible for the full cost of the service.
Clients who forget or consciously choose to forgo their appointment will be considered a no-show and are responsible for the full cost of the service.
Please arrive a few minutes early. By arriving late, sessions may be shortened in order to accommodate the following appointments. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, clients are responsible for the full cost of the session.
Massage therapy is for the following purposes: stress reduction, pain reduction, relief from muscle tension, and/or increasing circulation. We do not, at any time, diagnose or prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals. Spinal manipulations are not a part of massage therapy.
Client confidentiality will be upheld unless disclosure is required by law or court order. Your written permission will be obtained before any information is released to another healthcare professional.
Some pre-existing conditions require doctors approval prior to receiving massage. In the event that massage is contraindicated, your therapist reserves the right to reschedule until doctors’ approval has been obtained. If you are unsure if you will be required to obtain a doctor’s approval, please ask your massage therapist.
For safety purposes, we reserve the right to refuse or discontinue treatment at any time.
Inappropriate language or sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. If this occurs, the service will be terminated without a refund. Law enforcement will be contacted at my discretion.
Please reschedule if you have been feeling under-the-weather. Client health and safety is a top priority; thus we take every precaution to mitigate the spread of contagions.
Clients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Depending on the age of the child, the guardian may be required to remain in the treatment room during the session.
Covid-19 Policies
When booking a massage you are agreeing to adhere to the policies enacted by this business. These were created to mitigate risk of COVID-19 exposure for those who seek to receive a service from this business. These are for your safety and the safety of all who enter the building.
Contactless payment is available when checking out.
Hand sanitizer is available upon entering the building. Clients are encouraged to wash their hands immediately following their massage. The therapist employs proper hand washing techniques before the clients arrival, prior to the service, and immediately following the service. This includes washing hands and forearms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
This business adheres to the current COVID-19 health and safety regulations enacted by the State of California and San Luis Obispo County. Currently, masks are optional. I am am happy to wear a mask upon your request. If you do not have a mask of your own, one will be provided for you.
If you feel ill, please do not hesitate to reschedule your appointment. For the time being, fees incurred for cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice may be waived at our discretion. No-call, no-show penalties still apply.
The room has been modified to optimize cleaning between sessions. EPA approved disinfectants are used to sanitize all surfaces before and after each session. An air purifier w/ a HEPA-filter runs before, during, and after all appointments to circulate and filter the air.