What to Expect


Arrive Early.

Prior to your massage you will be asked to fill out a form to indicate massage goals, previous injuries, and medical history/conditions. We will discuss the details of your intake form, and talk about any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. You may voice areas that you would like extra time spent on and areas you would like avoided.

Get Cozy.

You will be given a moment of privacy to undress and get cozy beneath the sheet and blanket provided. It is common to be completely unclothed or wear only undergarments while on the massage table, but you are never required to undress beyond your level of comfort. You will be draped professionally at all times— meaning only sections of the body that are being worked on will be exposed.

checking in.

During your your massage I will check-in multiple times to ensure you are comfortable. Communicating any discomfort is strongly encouraged. Is the pressure too much? Is the table too warm (or not warm enough)? Is the headrest causing discomfort? Do you need a bolster? Any complaint is warmly received and will be promptly modified.


By bringing attention to your breath you can help calm the mind and slow down. Allow your limbs to become heavy and try to avoid tensing your muscles. If certain spots are tighter than others, inhale deep and visualize the muscle fibers in that region letting go. Being present in this way helps your body receive the full benefit of the massage. Massage should never be painful and requests for pressure adjustments are encouraged.


Once the massage is finished, you will get complete privacy while you dress. I will wait outside the room until you are ready. We can have a brief conversation about how you are feeling and how you’d like to move forward with your self-care goals. You’ll receive a reminder to stay hydrated post-massage and to avoid any strenuous exercises/activities for at least 24 hours.

The Days following.

If you are receiving deeper work there is a chance you may be sore after the session. Any soreness should dissipate after a few days, and is generally followed by a decrease in pain and an increase in range of motion in the effected area. If soreness continues beyond a few days, please contact me.


Quiet Mind

Deeper Sleep

Frequently asked questions


How often should I get a massage?

This all depends on your goals. When addressing a chronic issue, I usually recommend a targeted 60-minute massage every two weeks. If the goal is tension/injury prevention, a 90-minute massage once a month is ideal.

Keep in mind that the benefits of massage are cumulative. Clients tend to experience more relief when they establish regular massage as opposed to only scheduling when they are already hurting. However, any amount of massage is better than no massage at all.

How are you responding to covid-19?

Great question! I follow all state and local regulations regarding COVID-19, and require that anyone who books a service respect the policies I’ve enacted. Please see the COVID-19 page under Client Guide for details.


Can I talk during my massage?

I usually default to not talking to give you the space to fully relax. However, you are certainly allowed to talk if that is comforting for you. I will advise you to check-in with your body every now and then to make sure you are comfortable.

Do I have to leave a tip?

No. If you feel you received exceptional service and would like to leave a tip I would certainly appreciate it, but I never expect to receive a tip. Referring a friend, sharing my social media page, leaving a google review, or writing a testimonial is a great way to show your appreciation in lieu of a tip.